
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

Three problems three solutions: my first issue is that besides presence of black spots on my face there are brown spots in abundance, I am tired of visiting doctors and now they say that they will not get fine, I am much worried.

Problem 2: I have hair on my arms, legs, chest and hands and on whole body like men. Problem 3: my sister has too much lice’s and their eggs in her hair. Suggest any thing that she can get rid of them and moreover she has short hair and less hair growth.  Also advice me that I could get more long hair. (A. I)

Answer: Sister! Take Khoon Safa and Hormones Shifa from monthly Ubqari office and use with consistency for some time for your first and second problem. I had same issue with some more hidden issues and now Alhamdullilah I am 70 percent fine. For third issue ask your sister to apply lemon in her hair and wash after 2 hours. For hair growth, pay attention towards your diet. (sawera Bilal, Rawalpindi)

Joints Pain: Respected Readers! I want to share one of my issue that my both arms from shoulder joint to my elbow, whenever I raise my hand or get into the suzuki, give me severe pain an after 2 minutes, the pain gets normal. I have this disease for last 5 to 6 months. (Usman, Kohat)

Answer: Take 3 apricots and 1 dried date and soak in a glass of milk by making them pieces for over a night, at morning eat the apricot and the date and drink the milk. Use this remedy for atleast 40 days. I had the same issue and now Alhamdulilah I am perfectly fine. (Shakir Ullah, Bhimbher Azad Kashmir)

Intestines Issue: Respected Readers! I am 70 years of age and some stuff traps in my intestines due to which I cannot walk after eating wheat bread. I can walk empty stomach. I feel heart burn, used many medicines. When I take castor oil than the intestines become fine but I get motions. Kindly؛ suggest me any medicine or things to avoid, Thanks! (Waqas, Hazro)

Answer: Brother! take Maitray (Which are used in pickle) from pinsaar store One pao and small cademoms one pao and grind both of them by mixing them and preserve in a box, use one spoon in morning and one in evening. I took this prescription from popular book of Hazrat Hakeem Sahab "Mere Tibbi Raazon ka Khazana", it gave me much benefit. (Umme Afaq, Lahore)

Get rid of Debt: Respected Hakeem Sahab Assalampaikum! first I want to say thanks to you that you are running such a good monthly magazine. since when I have got Ubqari, I hae stopped reading other magazines, I want that I should get Ubqari twice in a month. I have also bought its previous files and your books. I used your medicines and found them best, Allah Almighty give you happiness in the world and hereafter, Ameen. first thing I want to ask from readers that If someone wants to pay back debt or there is loan on any one than suggest any spiritual Wazifa, second is for better profit in business as I have opened a small store at my house, tell a Wazifa for this. (Mrs Mazhar, Mianwali)

Answer: sister! Recite the following daua 786 times in morning and evening and pray for getting rid of debt and profit in business, it is tested.  

(Captain Habib, Gujranwala)

Son's Love: Readers! My youngest son has a relation with a girl and they meet with each other and this relation is in progress for last 12 years but the thing is not coming towards marriage. Readers؛ suggest as Wazifa for their marriage. (SH, R)

Answer: you and your son should recite last four verses of Surah Mominoon and Azaan 11 times with durood sharif 3 times before and after in morning and evening and blow on your shoulders and pray Allah Almighty for solution of your problem. (Muhammad Shakeel, Jhelum)

Fatal Disease: Respected readers! I am 22 years of age and I am constipated. I pass stool after 2 days and it takes pressure and there is oily stuff with the stool and also spermatohorea and besides this, my memory is also getting weak and other issue is that I am in bad habbits for last 10 years, I tried to get rid of this fatal disease but I am unable to do that. Respected readers! Suggest me any remedy of pescription to get rid of this fatal diseases. (A, M, A)

Answer: take figs 3 pieces, fennel seeds 1/2 tea spoon, green mint desi (leaves with branches) one mint and figs make into pieces and soak in 2 cups of water. Boil in morning and when there is one cup water left than make it cool and stains well by rubbing it and add sugar according to taste and drink in sips. Use this 3 to 4 times in a day. Use for few weeks in summer and soak in boiling water at night and stain in morning and do not make it warm again, add sugar and drink. This Qehwa is the solution to every issue of the body. Use it and pray. (Muhammad Yaqoob Butt, Gujranwala)

Heat in Body: I have much heat in my body, it is summer season now and worry is increasing, kindly suggest me any prescription. (Muhammad Javed)

Answer: Javed Sahab! take Sharbat Dinar daily in morning and evening by adding its 2 spoons in a glass of water. InshAllah, your body heat wills decrese slowly. Also arrange Sadqa and prayers as Allah Almighty will take away your spiritual and physical diseases. (fakhar e alam, Peshawar)

My domestic issues: my elder sons' wife my daughter in law is very sharp and full of anger and she also doesnt respect or give honor to elders. she becomes angry on asking anything, she cross limits of ager, suggest me any wazifa for getting rid of her anger and loving relations among us. (A mother in law)

Answer: you should recite only  

All day. InshAllah there will be peace and relaxation at your house in few days and the fights will go away. (shazia Ikram, Quetta)

Readers Queries and Readers Answers series has been liked so much and we get lots of letters. It is decided through advice that the previous record will reached to the readers and till the series is continuing, the previous arrangement will be pending till then.

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